Eighth grade has well been on its way and is soon coming to an end. However, unlike last year, I do not await the end of eighth grade with total excitement.
Overall, if I was to review this year as if I review another book, I would give it a four out of five. I had bore 7th grade well without middle school's pressures and its downsides. This year, there are obviously good things that have occurred with everyone attending school. It is an actual school year in which we can experience everything, just without knowing how everyone looks with masks. We become to know all the teachers and the students personally face to face. Those who looked normal on Google Meets have turned into diverse personalities. However, for me, this experience has been kind of scary. A sudden surprise of character has been kind of overwhelming because I feel many worlds revolving around me and I need to go through school in a world where many lives intertwine and revolve into one school environment.
As a reflection of myself personally, I have accomplished many things this year that I feel incredibly proud of. I have become the ASB President of my school. I have also achieved satisfactory grades in school. Yet, I feel as though I am constantly searching for something more. Not in goals or achievements, but in meaning. I am not sure what I want to learn. Maybe it is more focused on the meaning of life, maybe it is more in the meaning of my future. I still don't know, but that has been the main focus of my thoughts this year.
The last thing that has been on my mind lately is the future, most importantly high school. As middle school finally ends, I feel scared to leave behind such a peaceful world. Soon, four years will pass by in a blink and will soon turn into college and into a career. Yet in this time, the effort that will be put into this time is what I am most afraid of. Will I able to do everything? Will I be able to achieve my best? Am I enough? My mom says it is okay, but I am not sure of myself. Will my certainty be okay?
Eighth grade was great, with great memories and other moments. I have learned many things, beneficial and harmful features of my efforts and myself. Still, I believe I am slowly learning to change my ways into a better person and this year is the best time to do that.